Al Yaman, Halawa with vanille, Lebanon, 24x454g Al Yaman, Halawa with vanille, Lebanon, 24x454g select a list added to lists create a new list Add to cart Description Art. No. 5114 Categories: Al Yaman, Brands, Halawa Contact Us Enter your contact details or email form shortcode here. (Text/HTML/Shortcodes accepted). Leave Feedback Enter your feedback modal content here. (Text/HTML/Shortcodes accepted). Related Products Add to shopping bag select a list added to lists create a new list Art. No. 1809 Chtoura Garden, Halawa with vanille, Lebanon, 12x400g Add to shopping bag select a list added to lists create a new list Art. No. 4846 Chtoura Garden Foul, Fava Beans, Aleppo (EO), Lebanon, 12x600g Add to shopping bag select a list added to lists create a new list Art. No. 4904 Abido, Caraway, Lebanon, 10x50g Add to shopping bag select a list added to lists create a new list Art. No. 1985 Chtoura Garden, Halawa with chocolate, Lebanon, 12x400g